Monday, February 14, 2011

"Peter and the Boogeymen" Page 41 thru 43

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Rubberduck said...

Oh dear. I think the Shadow Man is going to do a lot more than simply 'beat up' Mike - Scott is CLEARLY not prepared for this. But then, we already knew that...

So I assume this is the eponymous Boogeyman? If so, I guess (or even predict!) the way it'll harm Mike while being shadow is simply to terrify him into insanity. It won't be nearly as awesome as Scott is expecting.

Catectro = A small Italian town, the monastery of which holds a set of Latin translations of important Greek texts concerning how a man stands out from other men. A certain young American rocker discovered these in a secret chamber on a school trip and had the abbot translate them into English...

Eldoran said...

Accoriding to to Wikipedia this shadow thing is pretty much exactly the definition of a Boogeyman, so I suppose this would be exactly what the title is about. The real question is what will happen after it is done with Mike.
I highly doubt it will simply disappear and never comes back. Usually Either the master (Scott) uses it again and again until something bad happens, or something "unexpected" happens. Popular choices include the unknown price for the power, an unknown side effect (like causes the end of the world) and of course the most popular choice: power get out of control.

Warning possible spoiler:
Given Peter's past it would be: gets out of control and the curse makes Peter one of the next targets. Like in Peter and the small ones.

Um the Muse said...

Given that it's boogeymen in the plural, I'm guessing that this shadow monster will turn Mike into one, too.

And yes, this one will give me the creeps. I can already imagine the inaratu mercilessly dismembering Mike and his soul, then reviving him when he dies, just so he can start the process over again. Likely pretending to let him go in order to play cat-and-mouse. The inaratu Of my nightmare won't have any emotions, since it has no needs. It feeds off of crushed hopes, fear and pain.

Mistem: mist 'em and thank goodness for that.

MistyCat said...

The Universe always seeks a balance, and the Shadowman has been created by the Universe to balance another character we've met earlier.

What a guy.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Or wiiiiiiiiiillllll it?

Also in Catectro is a bronze statue, erected in that young man's honor after he saved a group of toddlers and young maidens from a goat stampede. At the base of the statue is a simple inscription.

"Che un tipo."

Eldoran -
Hmmmmm...bad options for Scott, all three...

Um the Muse -
That would actually be interesting. Like Agent Smith and Neo.

I like that "dismembering his soul" soul part. I think that might be what Slender Man will do when Peter runs into him in about 15 stories from now...

MistyCat -
I actually laughed out loud at your comment. Good one.