Monday, February 28, 2011

"Peter and the Boogeymen" Page 58 and 59

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Copyright © 2011 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Eldoran said...

Well now its confirmed that there is more than one Boogeyman, I suppose it is relatively moot whether they multiply by killing its victims or by multiple summonings.
I'm curious how Peter will be able to get rid of that. They are at least somewhat fazed by brute force - the headshot at least temporarily brought it down.
I'm curious what would happen if the Ouija board is damaged beyond mere dents and scratches.
By the way the reason why the board didn't stop after Mike could be that Scott used too much blood.

Um the Muse said...

Martha noticed three holes in the wall when she'd shot four times.

Also, I can't remember who this gal is--is she the DA?

Todd said...

It's been bothering me some completely random person could get killed execution-style by this thing. I hope there's at least some connection to something, anything.

AnakMoon said...

Will Grandfathers magnificent library going to come into play with this story? And will Dill be the one to flippantly make some remark about how magic is always done or undone by some mumbo jumbo out of a book therefore being the smartest, thinking of the most obvious answer Peter didn't for some silly reason think of?
theres my sorta specific guess!

wv-ingental- the specific moment in time you become old

Darren said...

Eldoran -
Intriguing theories...

Only time will tell...

Um the Muse -
I was caught between a rock and a hard place on that one. She fires once, then three more times.

Either way, somebody will say,

"She just shot three times and she sees four bullet holes?"


"She shot four times total - why does she see three bullet holes?"

I could go into a little side note, but considering her state of mind and she's only noticing things in her panic, I'm gonna go with she shot him on a downward trajectory the first time and the bullet wound up low on the wall, and the other three shots were higher up and therefore closer to her line of sight.

Nope, she's not the lawyer. That was Ms. Goodin.

Marsha is...well...just an unfortunate, random victim.

...or IS she?

Todd -
It DOES seem completely unfair and horrible, doesn't it?

AnakMoon -
Hmmmmm...those are excellent guesses based on past experience (it seems I better shake up my formula a bit)...

Todd said...

For the prior entry, I would change "alright?" to "all right?" I think there was something else, but I forget what.

I love that you know the name Lumpkin.