Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Peter And The Werewolves" Page 21

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


AnakMoon said...

DUN Dun dun....

Lance said...

Hmm, I wonder who the werewolves are.... Good thing you didn't make it obvious Darren.. man, edge of my seat trying to figure it out.

Lol. Though it's obvious that isn't really the problem, is it? Guess they have to figure out a way to get out of the upcoming mess. Ya know when they figure it out Dill isn't going to want any part in it, and Peter wants to save the world. And so thats how it goes.. can't wait for that.

THF said...

Spacious den... *snort*

@Anakmoon I am so glad I am NOT the only person who does that. :)

Rai said...

I'm hoping the "out to eat" will be more cows. :( I don't want them to eat Peter!! Dill on the other hand... nah I jest. Don't eat the boys, take Beth instead!

*Sigh* and I was holding out hope that they wouldn't be malicious... How terribly naive of me. Well, here's to hoping that Charlie will save the day!

Unknown said...

I'm surprised Charlie hasn't tried to take Peter and Dill home under false pretenses. Of course, Dill would protest and get Charlie in trouble with Kyle. For someone smart, Dill is really stupid, or vice versa.

Mary said...

What was that old short story about the man hunting hunter? "The Greatest Game"?
These guys went from obnoxious creeps (sans Charlie)to scary ones.
Let's hope Dill doesn't end up so stuffed that he can't run!

Unknown said...

My only comfort is that Kyle said they'd eat out. I'd really worry if he'd said they'd eat in.

Heh, the word for verification is "lunine."

Darren said...

AnakMoon -

Lance -
Yeah, I like to keep it subtle...

But now you get to hear HOW it all happened...

What's wrong with spacious...

Oh, I get it. Wow, I'm slow on the uptake.

I am extremely serious. I didn't get it until you brought it up. My family just always had the TV in the den, that's all.

Rai -

Todd -
Dill is a...I don't know how to explain Dill. I was going to say he's dumb with brilliant flashes, but that's not true - he's a brilliant manipulator of people, and he's quite imaginative. But even the best players get played sometimes. Especially when they want something really badly that the other person has.

Mary -
"The Most Dangerous Game," yup.

Just wait until Kyle tells his story. There's a part of me that thinks he just might be the most evil villain I've come up with yet.

Todd -
One consonant away from 'wolf' vowel away from 'moon' (well, with other stuff tacked on). So I guess it's a combination of the two. Crazy...