Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Peter And The Werewolves" Page 4

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

Guess the boys are coming with her? Maybe Dill will get to see cow parts.


Unknown said...

Ha ha! I was thinking The Rockettes before you wrote it.

Cat said...

Um the Muse, are you implying my name link would be something somehow unsuitable for people to click on at work?! For shame, you meanie! lol interesting it worked though, I'm usually the worst when it comes to working out technology stuff like that!

Ah Dill: annoying as he is, you do occasionally find yourself laughing with him, rather than at him! He had a point, and I loved the way Melissa couldn't come up with a good arguement. It's not often Dill gets the better of someone by logic, rather than simply being so annoyingly illocal you don't even know how to begin to tell him he's wrong :P

Bit mean of Grandfather though - he can see that his daughter has to go, and she's just cooked him dinner and he won't even look after his own grandson! Still, maybe he did that on purpose so Peter and Dill have to go too... or so they get the run of the house and get into some other sort of trouble! lol

daymon34 said...

Mutant lawyers, sounds like she needs to sprout another head and two more arms then.
The extra head to hit you with more jargon, and the arms to file the paper work faster.

Dill just to happy about seeing the carnage.

Darren said...

Rai -

Todd -
Psychic coolness!

Cat -
Cat, Cat...who named Dill hurt you? Love the Dillster, Cat. LOVE him.

And Grandfather is kind of a jerk sometimes. That's why I can't always understand the I <3 Grandfather club...but true love is blind, I guess.

(Actually, yes, Grandfather is also being a jerk to serve a plot point. So I guess that makes ME a jerk, too. Although it is completely in keeping with his character - remember, he thinks that Thanksgiving dinner was an imposition on him, not a favor.)

daymon34 -
Melissa's just a paralegal. She just has to fend them off.

Anonymous -
It's no laughing matter. Gots to watch out fer them genetic mutated lawyers.