Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Peter And The Small Ones" Page 19

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

The book's been taken, presumably for evidence - so, of course, Peter and Dill will have to try and get it back from the police station, incurring the wrath of Deputy Jenkins even more than already.

However, Grandfather's interview tapes should be hilarious.

Ejymulai = A Hungarian word that roughly translates to 'anti-establishment through no fault of your own'.

Anonymous said...

Ejymulai's not a real word. In Hungarian, a y would not be next to a j like that. Sometimes, I've looked at these comments and seen other definitions of fake words in people's posts. The most recent examples are exeregin, aindlin, and jacrise. Where are you getting this from? Are you making it up?

Sorry about the post having nothing to do with Peter and the Vampires, but this bugs me.

Unknown said...

Are you seriously suggesting jacrise isn't real? Seriously? My jacrise and I make figs at you.

Next you'll suggest vampires aren't real either, and they'll make figs at you also. Acaching!

Fiona said...

Hi Anonymous - yes, this is an ongoing joke/game: making up silly or creative definitions for the verification words we have to type. All in good fun!

hagility: Quick like a witch. The gingerbread men climb out of the dumpster with great hagility.

Rubberduck said...

Yeah, it would have to be closer to 'egymulai'. Now I just need to throw about thirty diacritics on there...

These are the verification words (used to check that you are in fact human and not Skynet). It's a fun minigame to ascribe meanings to these words (which interestingly are almost always accidental gaps rather than impossible combinations).

daymon34 said...

I'll be back...

I knew there was going to be a problem from that dumpster, it smelled like cookies. Run Dill and just keep on running.

Lachesis said...

{commence whine mode}

no fair! daymon34 has smell-o-web access, and i don't. how come HE gets access to the extra secret ingredi--- em, clues, and only him?

{end whine mode}

boroa - one of the things you are cautioned not to be (see also: lendah)

yeah, lame i know

Rai said...

I suspected the dumpster, just not the sewer drain. I hope they get back home safe and quick. I suspect Melissa is going to be getting a call from the cops whether Peter likes it or not.

Hopefully if anything they can just say they left to watch morning cartoons at Dill's if she finds out.

v-word: Oxkhan- Gengis khan's ox's illegitimate son.

Fiona said...

Now actually Lachesis, that was a really good vword! It got a LOL from me, but I may be easily amused. Yours too, Rai.

Well no-one's going to want to eat those gingerbread men now they've been in the dumpster and the sewer.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
It WOULD be awesome to be a fly on that wall, wouldn't it?

For the interview. Not on the inside of the dumpster...

Anonymous -
As others say, it's made-up definitions for the verification word that Blogger makes you give when you post a comment.

For instance, mine is 'boticra.' Which is how Fenster (Benicio Del Toro's character) pronounces 'boat of crap.' "Whassa'? Wha? Naw, dassa boticra."

Todd -
Run, anonymous. Run from the figgy vampires.

Fiona -
Run, anonymous, with great hagility.

Rubberduck -
What you don't realize is that Darren Pillsbury is just a test account run by Skynet to see if its computer-generated stories could fool humans into believing another human wrote them.

Mission accomplished. I am dispatching T-1000's now.

daymon34 -
Actually, it smelled like moldy bread...maybe that's what dead gingerbread men smell like...

Lachesis -
daymon34 pays extra.

And I LOVED the v-word.

Rai -
HA! You would've jumped in the sewer with great hagility, and you woulda been TOAST!

Fiona -
I, too, am easily amused.