Saturday, January 23, 2010

"Peter And The Small Ones" Page 21

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Darren said...

By the way, to check out what Gwen's gun can do, click my name above this comment.

Rubberduck said...

Hee hee! Dill wants a girl! Dill wants a girl!

I bet they could have eaten that arm. Ancient Hebrew magic is no match for the small intestine, and I bet all the evil really brings out the flavour in the ginger.

Flypotta = one who creates clay pigeons.

Rai said...

Yay. Gwen is back! And she has a pretty awesome gun for a 10 year old...

daymon34 said...

That is some air gun, I almost want one.

You don't know where that arm has been, I wouldn't eat it. And some of them came up out of the sewer.

Peter is going to need help getting Grandpa out, or at least finding all the cookies and making them go crunch.

AnakMoon said...

weee! I know it only coincidence but i finally am able to come back and catch up and Gwen is back for my birthday! And something awesome to read since i'm sick...heheh
I almost thought you were going to trick us all and have a due of "small ones" when they stated poofing into dust. I was hoping they had run across a colony of fairies or something, but Gwen is better :D

wv- gemot - what it sound like i'm saying with my stuffed up nose every time i sneeze

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
It would have wiggled on the way down, though.

Rai -
She has a pretty awesome gun, PERIOD.

daymon34 -
I DEFINITELY want one.

AnakMoon -

I'm sorry you're sick - get better!