Monday, January 25, 2010

"Peter And The Small Ones" Page 23

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

It's only a BB gun, Gwen - pop a cap in his, uh, forehead!

The Gingerines sound awesome. And (to steal another joke from Mr. Fforde), they must have snuck up on the kids using their mad Ginja skills. Can we get some artwork of those guys?

Obicrip = Real name, no gimmicks. Just gang signs.

daymon34 said...

Well looks like the little guys came ready to do some real damage this time. Quick Peter find another BB gun and let the suckers have it.

misslynx said...

Yikes - I will be seeing those "enhanced" gingerbread men in my nightmares! D-:

ponittis - The Ponittis were one of the less successful organized crime families in recent American history. The literal meaning of their family name in Italian is "little pony", and unfortunately for them, their attempted rise to power in the early 80s coincided with the launch of the "My Little Pony" cartoon show, which made it very difficult for anyone to take them seriously. They eventually retired from the field of organized crime out of embarrassment.

And because my first attempt at posting didn't work, I now have another word verification word:

grackwee: a species of miniature grackle found in the Scottish highlands.

DontPanik said...

“Holy crap!” Dill shouted. “It’s Freddy Kreuger Wolverine gingerbread men!”

My favourite Dill quote so far, its exactly what I imagined! I was picturing a little gingerbread man with the claws and the Wolverine hair iced on. Hahaha

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
I'll crank out something soon. And I still owe you guys a pic of Gwen...

daymon34 -
Get ready to rummmmmmmmmmmmmbllllllllllllle!

misslynx -
Ha! The Ponittis were joined in obscurity by other organized crime groups like the German Karebearians.

DontPanik -
Ha - the icing hair WOULD be pretty sweet...

-groan- I know, it was bad...