Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 11 and 12

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Dark Peter is a rebel, a fighter. He satisfies NSync's conditions for throwing his hands in the air. He's everything Normal Peter isn't.

So why does he care about Dill so much?

Pritiono = An attractive woman who means trouble.

daymon34 said...

Yep anti-Peter is haves some good plans on causing trouble. And you know the sun will rise in the south when Dill becomes the voice of reason.

Poor Dill and Gwen, they don't know how to deal with this one. I almost expect to see Peter show up all tired and with a headache now. Can you see the two of them, it would get ugly fast and Peter wouldn't know why so many people are angry at him.

Eldoran said...

There are a few typical fantasy explanations to Peter's behavior, like the mentioned possession or "Dr. Hyde"-variants (no matter the details - like transformation into the evil one, dark side taking over or someone impersonating him). There are three possible pointers to the real cause I can think of. It could be either related to the curse (see end of last book), Peter's daydream in chapter 3/4 or the white eyes Dill might have seen. I have no definite answer yet.

I have been without 'net access last week so I couldn't comment on the ending of the last book in time. The lawn mower had a very obvious use and I guessed Frank's usefulness a long time ago - remember here? Well considering Dill's taunt I expected the gingerbread men to go after Peter's family at home - the mentioned crisis. and the two possible solutions I mentioned were either Beth or Frank squishing / eating the cookies.
Another option for Peter I came up with when the cookies arrived at Gwen's home - use a hypothetical garden hose to make the cokies wet or retreat into an equally hypothetical swimming pool. I wasn't sure if that would have worked, because they hid in the sewers which usually are wet.

Rai said...

Oh dear. I do believe we may have an all out brawl on our hands. It's one thing to insult a girl. It's another thing when that girl can probably kick your butt.

Cat said...

Fight, fight, fight!

Peter saying he'd become the next Tad Turnerpike was a bit creepy though (I mean more so than the obvious creepiness, of course!). Peter as an angry rebel I can definitely see; Peter as a bully, not so much.

WV: swebrato. A form of Italian opera where the singer expends so much effort in hitting those high notes that he or she breaks into a profuse sweat.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Picking a fight with bullies is one thing. Picking a fight with someone with a basement full of firearms and deadly accurate aim is quite something else...

WV: ressersa: an obscure operatic form popular in Italy during the Enlightenment, wherein the results of scientific research were set to music.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
I LOVE the NSync qualifications. Can't get much more badass than that, right? RIGHT?

Even people who are jerks to outsiders can be good friends to a few, RB!

daymon34 -
The sun's rising in the south, d34.

Eldoran -
Ah, gotcha about the two options. But you also mentioned a rule they broke, didn't you? What was that?

Rai -
What if you make OUT with the girl?

Cat -

misslynx -
Oh, yeah. I hadn't quite thought of it that way...

V-Word: adeco. What cajun guys who play the zydeco learn to do in 1st grade math. "Well now, you gah da larn to adeco an' subtractico an' den you be doin' da mat'matico! I gar-awn-tee! Weeee-ooooo!"

Unknown said...

Long live Justin Wilson.