Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 20 and 21

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AnakMoon said...

WHY hasn't the monster movie master realized this isn't "Peter" anymore?

And if he did want to see Grandfather wouldn't he have stayed and pushed the matter further till they took him to the county jail where Grandfather would be still, wouldn't he? Is Duskerville big enough for a Juvi?

wv- ardeshe - a river in south-central France

Rubberduck said... we have a Principal Wood(dale)...who is black...working in a school in a town known for its supernatural goings on. I'm sure I've seen that somewhere before, but I just can't place it...

Also I think Dark Peter showed his naivite (is that the spelling) more here - there's no way he was ever going to successfully sue the school (let alone for a million dollars), there's no way he was going to avoid having a talk with the principal - in fact there's no way he can avoid a whole heap of trouble for this, so: what does Dark Peter want?

Ediangra = An African martial art based around occasionally just snapping and beating the bujeezeus out of some random bystander.

Kelly said...

The plot thickens! I dont think I can handle a thicker plot-but I hope Grandfather shows up and helps out!

daymon34 said...

Looks like Peter really did a number on that poor guy, and he was a cop... must have gone soft and why they let him go.

And I don't know what this Peter would do if he got close to Grandpa. Maybe his face would open up with lots of teeth and try to eat him.


Um the Muse said...

Earlier, I'd thought that Peter might've been posessed by some sort of demon, but considering how he handled the guard, he must be channeling Beth. And something else on the side, sure, but definitely Beth.

Darren said...

AnakMoon -
He'll actually have a good speech about that coming up soon...

Rubberduck -
Ha, ha. I could have made him short and balding, or tall with red hair who liked to say 'golly'...

No, it's not naivete; it's utter contempt for the adults around him. They know he's lying, he knows they know he's lying, and though he's saying, "I could screw you really bad," he doesn't even have the decency to care enough to BE devious anymore. He's so bored with them, and so over it, that he doesn't put any effort into threatening them.

What does Dark Peter want?


Kelly -
Here comes the plot thickener!

daymon34 -
Or maybe Dark Peter's just really badass.

Um the Muse -
Hahahahahahaaha! I just might rewrite the story to fit that ending!

Unknown said...

"Also I think Dark Peter showed his naivite (is that the spelling) more here - there's no way he was ever going to successfully sue the school (let alone for a million dollars),"

Give him a break. He is from California.