Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 28 and 29

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Um the Muse said...

Since my guesses around possession didn't pan out, I'm going to have to change my guess.
You know who else's eyes go white from time to time? Storm from X-men! It fits the new Peter very nicely. He seems more of a force of nature than evil, and I'm guessing the "dark side" is a red herring.
Peter Storms is nothing less than the Avatar of Power. Am I right? Will I ever stop renaming characters to fit my own nefarious ends? Tune in next time to find out, Duskervillites!

Rubberduck said...

Great Scott, Um, you may be right!

Dark Peter is the distilled part of Normal Peter that fights monsters (and, according to Nietzche, didn't take care). No wonder he's bored with school and wants to fight bullies. If Dark Peter was let loose on the world, he'd be clearing monsters out of town left, right, and centre, like a 9-year-old supernatural Batman.

Any way they can keep him around and let him rip apart the monsters while Normal Peter lives his Normal life?

The white eyes are as a result of Dark Peter's not being a full person: the eyes are a window onto the soul and all that. Whenever he's truly fulfilling his monster hunter potential (fighting Tad, rebelling against Authoriteah) his true nature is revealed.

Glogab = A word developed after voice-activated rescue service robots were invented. It means, "Help, I'm drowning and have water in my lungs and vocal tract, please save me."

Kelly said...

Rubberduck, you might be onto something in a way. I was wondering if all of the bad filtered to this "dark peter" and it left the Peter we all know and love-HOWEVER, if that happened, then Peter should be a perfect angel, does no wrong etc, because all of the bad is elsewhere-and we all know thats not quite true.

On the other hand, if you use comic characters as a reference point, that makes sense-every "good guy" out there has an equal who's bad, whom they have to battle to keep the "good".
Spiderman vs. Venom

Darren said...

Um the Muse -
Haha! No, I can verify that Peter will not be rockin' a white wig anytime soon.

Rubberduck -
Interesting theory on the eyes...I like the Nietzche reference.

Kelly -
Ha! Maybe a goopy black mass might start creeping across Peter's skin - wait, no, that would be out of Dill's shtanky underwear, and that is a completely DIFFERENT horror story altogether.