Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 19

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Rubberduck said...

OMG - initials, or what the entire class will be saying next? Dark Peter does have a flair for the spectacular...

Yeah, this is definitely something older than Peter - no 10 year old would invoke the Red Scare nowadays! At least, I hope not...

Cricra = The proper onomatopaeic word for someone cracking their knuckles.

Unknown said...

Admittedly, I've always been a fan of dark-side characters, but from the start I've been waiting for Peter to stand up to the human mini-monsters who make his life hell.

Dark doesn't necessarily mean evil. So far, it seems Dark Peter is just responding to the human world as efficiently and with as much wisdom as he does to the supernatural. He's only been violent to the bullies, who weren't going to learn their lesson any other way. Hopefully he's saved countless others in school and beyond from the predations of this bully circle.

As for the adults, he's only returned verbal barbs for their verbal abuse and irresponsibility. If he seems to be going to the extreme, well, that's what it takes with folks like that, especially since he's so young that he wouldn't be taken seriously any other way.

The only thing unjustified thing he's done is stealing the ice cream I'm disappointed in him for that. :(

Unknown said...

Meant to add: I'm very curious if Dark Peter is going to run into our favorite deputy. That would be interesting, to say the least.

It'd be something if he gave his mother a clue, too, so she'd stop punishing him for saving people's lives... although hopefully in a less mean way.

So, the big question is, where can I get some of this magic shrimp of liberation?

Um the Muse said...

Mr. Pillsbury, I don't know if you meant to do this, but the teacher says, "I need Officer McGrue here at once...Immediately” (which, of course, mean the same thing). OTOH, she is desperate for the help.
Although I never had a cop at my elementary school, I could easily see it happening in the future, spooky as that thought is.
Did you guys ever hear about the four year-old who was convicted of sexual harrasment (because he gave his teacher a hug) and will live the rest of his life as a "sex offender?"

@ArtGoddessAthena: I'm not sure that kissing Gwen was justified either, even if she wanted it. He simply took without considering her feelings; objectifying and using her.

I think that you do have a good point though: It's like Peter has decided that humans are no better than monsters. They cannot be reasoned with, and are never on his side. The only solution is through applying overwhelming force.

clummo: The never before seen fourth stooge. He was removed from the production plans for being too violently clumsy. I'll never forget you Clummo!

Mary said...

Regardless, adults are adults.
I agree that Mrs. Cashew is a shrew, but she is STILL his teacher.
And, what's that expression? You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
She is GENUINELY terrified of him, and I don't think it's just because he's challenged her authority.
Like Hyde, it still LOOKS like Peter/Dr. Jekyll, but you can't quite place your finger on why you hate him/are terrified of him.
I hope that Dill gets to be a hero out of this and learns what Peter goes through.
That or gets the heck outta Dodge and calls Grandfather.

daymon34 said...

Well now, looks like Peter has hit a soft spot on Mrs. Cashew. And I wouldn't take that bet with Dill, Peter's eyes are probably white at the end of the chapter.

Rai said...

Well technically you catch more flies with vinegar than honey buuut, I'll let it slide this time. :)

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Vive la revolucion!

ArtGoddessAthena -
I'd agree that he's not EVIL evil. He hasn't done more than snap at any innocent kids, and he's only mean towards those who are initially mean back. Although bashing in Todd's face was pretty gnarly.

If regular Peter is something of a saint, Dark Peter is waaaaaaaaaay more of a sinner, hm?

Um the Muse -
Yeah, she was reemphasizing out of panic.

By the way, you can call me Darren.

You never had cops at your schools? I think I only went to one that had a cop I saw often, but yep, he was around. More like a rentacop, but still.

Mary -
Weeeelll...I always fantasized about leading a revolt, so I perhaps shouldn't weigh in on this...

I think she's genuinely terrified for a number of reasons, though, including that she's never in 40 years dealt with such a blatant disregard for her authority, and especially not from a kid who was so meek before - and who probably hit exactly the raw nerve (losing her retirement) that she feared the most.

daymon34 -
Yup. Yup again.

Rai -
But poop wins out over all. Which is what's about to hit the fan.

Unknown said...

"Although bashing in Todd's face was pretty gnarly."

Tad's! Ahem.