Saturday, February 13, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 16 and 17

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Mary said...

Why did I just hear the theme to "The Good The Bad, and The Ugly" in my head?

daymon34 said...

Now that you mention it, that would be good music for this one.

And boy Dill is having a worse day than Peter was yesterday. I wonder if Peter is going to deck the teacher, or yell at the admin staff just for fun.

Darren said...

Mary -
Ha ha! In fact, I was hoping to evoke that very theme song back in the showdown between Dark Peter and Tadd - when Dill talks about hearing a coyote and a hawk shrieking.

But it works here, too.

oo we oo-we-oo-we-ooooo...


daymon34 -
Agreed. And agreed.
