Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 7 and 8

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


DontPanik said...

Whoa, sounds like he's possessed by something! I wonder what it'll turn out to be? And altho I don't think sinking to their level is a good way to sort out the bullies, at least Peter and Dill should get as little more respect from the other school kids from now on!

DontPanik said...

A* little more respect I mean, not as.

Um the Muse said...

Ditto what DontPanic said. Also, it was pretty smart of alter-Peter to slap instead of punch. That way, he won't leave a permanent mark.
I wonder if Dill's capable of holding him back?

Rubberduck said...

He's possessed by the spirit of distilled awesome. Was I the only one cheering him on? Hmm, maybe some repressed stuff there.

Don't try that at home (uh, school), kids. Solving problems with violence is wrong, even for Dark Peter (though the problem was violence to begin with, and Stan sure as sugar wasn't going to listen to reason). Also, it doesn't work if the other guy's got backup. Also you'll never get anywhere with slaps - it's elbows you want.

So yeah, don't do that.

Epter = Any small item in a kitchen that is not used for its original purpose. To the right buyer, epters are quite valuable.

Mary said...

Oh this isn't going to end well...
Although I'm remembering the scene in Christmas Story when he goes after the bully.

invittel- the dish (vittles) brought by an unwanted house-guest.

Darren said...

DontPanik -
Whhhaaaaa? You can only strike at bullies by SINKING to their level!

Um the Muse -
Whhaaaaaa? True about the slap. Better to use oranges in socks. WHAP. WHAP. No marks.

Rubberduck -
NO. I was cheering him on, too, Rubberduck.

Cuz it was AWESOME.

Yeah, kids - don't do it if there's a good chance you'll get beat up.

Mary -
Hells yeah! Mary knows the CLASSIC bully scenes.

Unknown said...

"He's possessed by the spirit of distilled awesome. Was I the only one cheering him on?"
