Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Peter And The Small Ones" Page 34 and 35

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(This one's another 'Small Ones' instead of 'Gingerbread Men'...)

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...


Ooh, the metaplot's getting really interesting! And more than a little disturbing...

WV: abstioni: An Italian abstinence-only sex education program, sponsored by the Vatican.

DontPanik said...

Wow, this is getting really intense! I'm loving the plot thickening here! Can't wait to see how this turns out.

As for the Scooby gang, if Frank is Scooby, who is everyone else? Dill fits Shaggy pretty well I reckon, always terrified but coming thru in the end! Plus the werewolf thing makes Shaggy a pretty good nickname!

Cat said...

Why does the name "Fallon" ring a bell? Oooh, whoever he is, he's eeeevil! Now I really can't wait for what's next - even if it *is* a misdirect, "Peter and the Dark Side" sounds very intriguing...

daymon34 said...

(Resperator voice) Peter I am your father...

I know you need Dill to put on the mask and say that once to Peter at least. And Seamus has a brother, though not one he claims. And would off his only family for a wooden nickle, nice guy.

Mary said...

Wow, exposition on Grandfather and proof, yet again, that he is MORE than willing to kill to protect his family.

Still in the "I Heart Grandfather" camp, although Frank's right up there too.

Um the Muse said...

No wonder Grandfather seems a little reckless at times: He's got nothing to lose!

On a different note, I feel obligated to give my "NOOOO!" comment, since this was a bit of a cliff-hanger. That said, it's still a lot more satisfying than the "Trick or Treaters" one was.

So, any guesses on the next monster? We've already done werewolves, zombies and vampires, so my vote is for ghosts.

Rai said...

Interesting, very interesting. I'm kind of excited that Peter is going to learn about the force though! :D

Rubberduck said...

Have to admit, I wasn't expecting it to end there. Does this mean the Gingerbread Men are all dealt with and won't be coming back?

My guess for the Dark Side: it's the dark side of human nature. Peter's dealt with monsters, but can he deal with regular people when a mysterious artefact takes control of their minds and unleashed their repressed evil? Find out next time on Peter and the Vampires!

Exsessi = What abstioni is designed to stop.

Fiona said...

Peter, I am your half-great-uncle, (sort of) Join meeee!

Doesn't have quite the same ring.

AnakMoon said...

I'm guessing its going to be the family curse explained, or someone who we all thought was good but turns out to be the ultimate bad guy in this... who ever the "benefactor" is that had the book given to the baker.

I am still one hundred percent in the I <3 Grandfather club, because him not telling Peter and trying to keep Peter out of things just makes him seem like a well meaning protector, though we all know what happens to those guy in the movies, they disappear as a light saber is driven through them, or simply trying to get everyone back on the island, or a man trying to save his son from being woven into the same situation he had been in at that age.

Darren said...

misslynx -
Yay! I was hoping people would like the end...

And I LOVE the word of the day.

DontPanik -
I was just throwing that out there, since Frank and Scooby are both verbally challenged and like crunchy treats.

But I doubt anybody else fits the mold...I mean, can you imagine Fred as a grumpy old bald man? Or Daphne or Velma with a BB gun?

Cat -
Well, he hasn't appeared in these stories, if that was the bell you were talking about...

daymon34 -
That is pretty awesome. I am going to have to have Dill do that at some point.

Mary -
He might even kill his OWN family...

Mary joins the I Heart Frank fan club!

Um the Muse -
I almost gave something away, Um, in my comment...then I erased it.

Rai -
And get his hand cut off.

But he'll never, EVER kiss his sister. Cuz she would bite him if he tried.

Rubberduck -
About your guess: hmmmm...

AWESOME v-word.

Fiona -
Dill will have to use that line, and point out that very thing!

AnakMoon -

Is the 'back on the island' part from LOST?

What's the man trying to save his son from being 'woven' all about?