Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 38

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


MistyCat said...

I've been thinking over a remark from Peter at the end of Page 4.

"Sometimes I just wish I was bad,” Peter whispered angrily...


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Mary said...

Peter's grandfather may be a "crochety (I LOVE that word) old jerk" but he's PETER'S grandfather.
If that thing wants to goad Peter into attacking, it's just done it.

Darren said...

MistyCat -

Mary -
Maybe...although it DOES have a scalpel dangling over GF's neck, so attacking wouldn't be advisable...

Unknown said...

"Sometimes I just wish I was bad,” Peter whispered angrily...

Occured just before all this stuff started happening...

Thats why I think grandfather has been a little remiss in spilling the beans about the family history, if it turns out the wish had something to do with it.

cheatine, an extra long fork used to snatch morsels off the plates of other diners