Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 35

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

I hate to say it, but Dark Peter has worn out his welcome.

MistyCat said...

When it comes to a fight between two evenly matched people, the one more willing to damage the other is the one who will win—unless an all-powerful author has other ideas.

VW: - tragur

The sound made by a Christmas Caroler kicked in the stomach after getting one syllable into the second line of "Deck the Halls."

Um the Muse said...

I heard the emergency teams actually get there faster if you drop the phone and scream. I guess it's more believable or something.
I don't understand why Peter is so eager to fight, especially when he knows that the EMT's and cops are going to get there quickly. Is he simply distracting Dark Peter so that Dark Peter will be caught side by side with the real Peter? That would definitely help his case against the school!

VW: nisetsk. A hidden Russian military installation located in Alaska, where their mad scientists can unleash their creations. The US has one on Russian soil, too, but its name is still classified.

Anonymous said...

Peter, Peter, Peter - you need to listen to your friends, because this sounds like an epically bad idea. We've already seen that the doppelganger is strong enough to kick the ass of the school's major bully, who is presumably a lot bigger and stronger than you. There is sometimes a fine line between heroism and stupidity.

WV: icsop: ICSOP is an acronym for the International Coalition of Shapeshifters, Ogres and Poltergeists - a recently formed union of monsters concerned about their negative portrayal in fiction. Sadly, it has yet to make much of an impact, despite a very successful gala fundraiser aimed at securing the funds to hire a prestigious publicist who had represented top Hollywood stars. Apparently, during a coffee break midway through their first meeting, someone ate the publicist, yet no one was willing to accept responsibility, leading to an outbreak of the sort of political infighting that is all too familiar to anyone who has ever worked with a nonprofit organization of any kind.

Hmmm... I wonder if I should be worried that my Word Verification definitions are often longer than my comments on the story?

MistyCat said...

@misslynx: No. :-)

Darren said...

Todd -
Don't let HIM hear you say that.

MistyCat -
Yes, but how far will Good Peter go? Hmmmm...

Um the Muse -
Response time is increased by 7.2 seconds!

misslynx -
I have been contacted by one of their union representatives, who was VERY upset over the depiction of the was not a fun phone call.

MistyCat 2 -
Well, now, hold on. If it's impeding her progress at work, or impacting her relationships, or if she finds herself defining things more and more when she's alone at home...she could have a problem. Especially if she says, "I can stop anytime I want to."

MistyCat said...

I believe that there is a support group for those afflicted with WORDS (Writing Obsessive Risible Definitions Syndrome.)

Unfortunately, the Group is as yet undefined.

VW: - ciesseth

A corrective technique used to lessen the effects of a sibilant lisp. Unfortunately not often used, as those who need it most often find difficulty in requesting it.

MistyCat said...

(Sorry about this. On posting my last comment, I noticed that the new Verification Word was sessishe)
Enough said. (I have a slight lisp myself.)