Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Peter And The Dark Side" Page 22 and 23

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


AnakMoon said...

Of course!
And you all thought Peter would actually do those things.

And when i think of what Grandfather and Beth look like i can not see it in any other art style then the Home For Imaginary Friends show.

wv- essiber - Stuffy nosed yes sir

Rubberduck said...

Huh, I'd kind of dropped the 'evil clone' line of enquiry. Can't remember why, though.

But I'm still saying that Dark Peter's personality is based heavily on Peter's - maybe some form of possession or corruption isn't out of the question.

Still, that is as rock-solid an alibi for both Peters as you can get.

Inquiti = A recently-discovered Andean tribe. Their boys undergo a manhood ritual that involves carrying around a Brazilian Wandering Spider for a day without dying.

Cat said...

Hahah Grandfather carrying Beth sounds just like me if I'm forced to hold a baby! Keep that thing as far away as possible so as not to avoid contamination! :D

Hmm, maybe it's a more external version of Jekyll & Hyde - instead of both personalities inhabiting one body and taking it in turns, all the anger, rebelliousness etc has split off into its own body? We'll see if the Peter who stayed at home is more meek and obedient than normal... :P

Um the Muse said...

Yay! Peter has a new big brother!

Lachesis said...

well, i for one heave a hearty "THANK YOU" to our illustrious author! i was REALLY disliking Dark Pete. far from being any particular kind of bad-ass, he had completely migrated to the "major d!ckh#@d" side of the ledger quite some time ago... about the time he proposed taking over Tad's role around the school.

herscula: the incredibly frightening hybrid created by combining DNA samples taken from Hercules and Dracula.

Unknown said...

Ah the Good Kirk, Evil Kirk from Star Trek syndrome...

Anonymous said...

Aha - I was wondering if that might be the case! Though I hadn't ruled out demonic possession...

@Kurt: I wonder if Evil Peter has a goatee?

WV: Gionst: a German art movement, derived from expressionism and Norse folklore, which used life-sized paintings and sculptures of giants to express the magnitude artists' angst. Its success was limited by the expense of the large quantities of materials involved, and the very small number of galleries large enough to show the work.

Darren said...

AnakMoon -

Glad you liked the image of Beth and GF!

Rubberduck -

Cat -

Um the Muse -

Lachesis -
Yeah, he WAS a pretty big jackhole, wasn't he?

Kurt -

Misslynx -
When he turns 13, Dark Peter is SO growing a goatee. Probably at 12 - Evil Hormones, you know.