Monday, April 26, 2010

"Peter And The Snow Demon" Page 45

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

What's more, Wendigos have bad table manners.

Eldoran said...

Technically the werewolves would fit this description too. It seems Peter and Dill were almost their first human victims. And it is impossible to foresee what that would have caused.

daymon34 said...

Yeah that would be a site to change a person, and send them running down the mountain as fast as they could.

And I hope Stu is very careful coming up the trail, even without a snow demon that trail is going to be trouble.

Seaspray said...

huh... the monsters could be related of course. You never know if Veendemier (or however it's spelt) accidentally scientifically possessed his monsters...

Which of course has unfortunate implications for Frankie...

Darren said...

Todd -
Yes. They sluuuuurrp.

Eldoran -
I suppose, but the Wendigo is a specifically Native American myth...

daymon34 -
Oy, he'll be alroight!

Seaspray -
Conspiracy theories!