Saturday, April 3, 2010

"Peter And The Snow Demon" Page 6

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


MistyCat said...

I didn't know the word Funions so I Googled it. They don't sound too bad.

VW: ingishi
Cheap third-world copies of Gucci Label.

Um the Muse said...

@ MistyCat: They were really popular when I was growing up, but I think they're nasty. They taste more like spices and chemicals than food. Onion rings are much better.

Whew, it's a relief that they're going to be able to go legitimately. I was afraid that they were going to sneak in a la carnival somehow. Although, I imagine the ticket is for one....

daymon34 said...

Well you can't expect Peter to recognize ski gear, at least not when he isn't on the sloaps. And boy that sounds like it's going to be a knock down drag out, or could be anyway.

Darren said...

MistyCat -
They're not!

Um the Muse -
Awwww, you prolly hate Cherry Kool-aid and Cheetos, too...

daymon34 -
I think he was just caught by surprise and didn't recognize it...