Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Peter And The Snow Demon" Page 49

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Rubberduck said...

Last bit of guessing for a while, I know how wearing it can be...

Wasn't there a horned demon among the trick-or-treaters? I think the horned skull represents that one.

On a lighter and less second-guessy note, yay! Stu's alive! And unmauled! And probably not evil!

Ilmitan = A glove into which someone has inserted a deadly disease which infects on contact with skin. Used by the more...flamboyant of assassins.

daymon34 said...

Well I guess Peter just had his day hit rock bottom, knowing about one curse was bad enough. Now he has a whole bunch to worry about, I guess his family hasn't been very nice to people in the past.

Unknown said...

Maybe the second curse came about when Dill went to the bathroom.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Actually, I'm very entertained by the guessing. I love to hear the theories. The only part I DON'T like is when you guys pretty much nail it on the head pages before the big reveal...but hey, I gotta give credit to you guys for being pretty sharp.

And I gotta say, I've seen some REALLY good guesses about where things are going eventually...

daymon34 -
Yeah, it's a pretty tough day when you find out you're doubly (or triply, or quadruply) cursed.

Todd -
Hahahahahahahahahaha! That was good...