Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Peter And The Snow Demon" Page 48

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

My guess - Peter's dust illusion (aura outline?) was Dark Peter. Hence why Dill is terrified.

Or perhaps it's an image of Grandfather, whom I'm sure Gus knows or at least knows of. And again this explains Dill's impromptu territory marking.

Anialati = Many tourists assume this is Italian for something, maybe a quick prayer said when coffee is brought to them. The real meaning is unknown.

Unknown said...

Whoops. I guess we won't get any answers right away.

Mary said...

That or a death's head

daymon34 said...

Maybe it's two different auras fighting each other. He is both cursed and blessed, so they would both being trying to win. What they look like though is another thing.

That is a useful talent, as it would help you know what kind of people to trust. Or what energy is floating around them.

Um the Muse said...

Actually, it's starting to look like there might be two (or more) curses. There seems to be a seperate problem of unnatural things, as well as natural monsters.
On the otherhand, it is possible that the malevolent source is more sentient (some kind of grand conspiracy). Either way, I suspect a connection between the gingerbreadmen story and the trick o' treaters. If it is a curse, it might explain the werewolves and Frank, as well as Peter's father. I would really like to know if Mrs. Normal has seen anything

Eldoran said...

Well there could be a quite simple explanation besides the dark Peter aspect and whatever signifies the "Flannagan" family aura. There might be something behind Peter, like the snow demon.
There were a lot of different aspects to the curse mentioned in the previous books. He is definitely special - like how Peter's arrival activated the mannequin story, or some comment that some generation of the Flannagan family is significant (which might be Peter). So there could be several curses at work here. The epilogue of Gingerbread men also mentioned that there is more stacked against the Flannagan family than simply the Winapotokan curse.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
Wouldn't that just be like an outline of himself, though?

Grandfather's outline over Peter - now THAT would be freaky!

Todd -
Ah well...

Mary -

daymon34 -

Um the Muse -
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...on a couple of counts.

Eldoran -

And true dat about the 'more stacked against the Flannagan family" part.