PETER AND THE VAMPIRES is a horror/comedy web novel (and a free podcast!)about a normal, 10-year-old kid who moves into a sinister town filled with supernatural horribleness. The series is composed of different "monster of the week" stories - kind of like THE X-FILES crossed with THE SIMPSONS (if Mr. Burns were a ghoul and something terrifying lived in the town dump). "Peter And The Dead Men" is the first story in the collection. A new page is posted every day.
Tea time! I'd like Turkish delight.
Eep. Not good. Can't even run him over with the snow mobile in a bigger, better version of Grimoire.
P.S. I went into the sporting goods store the other day and they had a silver mannequin and I freaked out. Thanks for that.
Todd -
(I tried to put the image here, but they would not let me.)
Turkish Delight!
Rai -
Who can take a sports stoooore
And its fluorescent glaaaaare
Spook you with the mannequinssss
And give you a nightmaaaare?
The Darren maaaaaaan!
The Darren man caaaaaan!
Thank yew, thank yew.
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