Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Peter And The Snow Demon" Page 77

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Um the Muse said...

Not much of a gamble really; if she wanted to eat them, there's nothing the two of them could do...
Still takes a lot of guts, though. Daddy might come back any minute, and he'd probably be mad at Momma, too.
Voleste: A beautiful melody that comes only when the composer is suffering extreme emotion

daymon34 said...

Yep it was momma trying to help Peter out, that's got to be tough trying to thank someone and not able to talk with them.

Darren said...

Um the Muse -
Haha. No, I guess the gamble is more of a "the house always wins" type.

daymon34 -
Yup. It's hard to tell if someone wants to kill you or not if you can't communicate with 'em...