Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Peter And The Snow Demon" Page 64 and 65

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Eldoran said...

Now lets hope the blessing kicks in - that the ground beneath him is relatively free from dangerous objects.

daymon34 said...

Oh that was one way to get down, bummer he forgot about the falling part of the plan. Now I hope Dill wasn't trying to tell Peter that Snowy is coming back, or baby for that matter. Falling on baby would only just make the others mad.

Rubberduck said...

Quick, Peter, do a flip! Not only will Dill revere you for the rest of your life, but the Snow Demon may believe you are a ninja and leave you alone.

And I'm taking the fact that the Snow Demon hasn't knocked either of the boys' heads off as an encouraging sign. I do the same thing during job interviews.

Prene = To massage your neck with a satisfied smile during job interviews. I may be the only one who does this.

AnakMoon said...

Now.... I have a bit of an issue with this post.
"Since Peter had gotten new gear for Christmas, Dill inherited his old stuff. It was a bit large for him – in fact, Dill looked kind of like a Russian bag lady in Peter’s old jacket..."
Now shouldn't Dill be able to slip out of his jacket? Little kids are notorious for slipping out of clothes and jackets. Turn your head for one second and there running around butta** nekkid!
With Randy Parker as an exclusion of course. Cause that's all i see when you describe Dill's arms! :P

smsomorg - "Hey Pete! We gotta check out that, the food place!" Dill exclaimed as he headed towards the lodge.

Darren said...

Eldoran -
True dat.

daymon34 -
Falling on Baby would be EPIC.

But that's not going to happen.

Rubberduck -
I retract my previous statement; a FLIP would be EPIC. Landing on Baby would merely be hi-LAR-ious hijinks.

Man, you have some ROUGH job interviews.

AnakMoon -
DANG IT. Good eye, AnakMoon. I better rewrite that...