Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Peter And The Snow Demon" Page 55

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Copyright © 2010 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


daymon34 said...

Well the problem with hiding under the downed tree is that Snowy thru it. So it should be able to lift it, though that could be Gus coming to check on him after getting pounded.

And that wasn't a helpful thought Peter, hopefully Snowy only wants to take him away not pound him flat.

Cat said...

Ah, snow is insulating if you burrow under it - I wonder if that's the blessing at work? :D

Also I think there was an extra "had" in the line "In ten seconds he had had a medium-sized trench in the ground." Maybe the second "had" should be a "dug"?

Anonymous said...

Noooo! If Peter just hides himself and Dil, Stu's going to get eaten!

Well, and Gus, but I suspect the writing was already on the wall in that case. :-(

WV: gogrin: Dialectical variation of the word "goblin", as spoken by actual goblins, whose tusks get in the way of standard English enunciation.

Darren said...

daymon34 -
Lift it? Hmmmmm...

Cat -
Good catch. Thanks!

misslynx -
Stu turned into stew?

Good use of 'tusks,' by the way...