Friday, August 7, 2009

"Peter And The Carnival Of Evil" Page 46

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

I see Mom learned a lot on Hallowe'en. At this point, I think I respect Jenkins more than her.

Cat said...

I went to the London Dungeon while I was away, and not only did they have a freaky mirror maze (there were lots of people there though, so not as spooky as being on your own), they also had a "scary" boat ride. While we were floating round in pitch blackness, I just kept thinking of something coming out of the water and trying to drag me in! lol. Too much like the story, too soon after reading it - surreal :D

They have to get Gwendolyn back! They could just ask "her" questions Eng won't know the answer to - like her age, where she lives, what her brother's name is. The real Gwen would definitely know the answers, but unless he's a mind-reader too, I bet Eng wouldn't know!

Poor kids, no one ever believes them. You'd think they'd learn by now :P

AnakMoon said...

Wow Melissa....really? I wonder if its just cause Jr. Park Ranger is with them and it ruined their date...

Yeah i could see Mr. Jackhole giving them to the carnies, sorry Dill i mean Freaks, for punishment... like to clean up trash and stuff

Yes Fife! Sorry i always called him number 5, it was my favorite number and i was a stupid kid..ya know how it goes :P

Darren said...

Todd -
Ouch. Come on, now, Jenkins doesn't believe in the swamp monster - in fact, he's consciously DISbelieving in it by refusing to let Grandfather pay to search the lake!

Cat -
Cool! That sounds like a tremendous amount of fun!

Good point...although Eng has faked this so many times, I bet he's pretty good at it by now...maybe he just claims amnesia.

AnakMoon -
Ha ha, that's probably more the reason! She's also probably embarrassed, because it must look like to Eric that her son is a juvenile delinquent. This is TWICE now he's had run-ins with the authorities, even if he DID find the missing kids in the swamp monster story.

And I think it's cute that you call him Barney Five!

Unknown said...

"Ouch. Come on, now, Jenkins doesn't believe in the swamp monster - in fact, he's consciously DISbelieving in it by refusing to let Grandfather pay to search the lake!"

Right, but Jenkins has no reason to give Peter the benefit of the doubt. Melissa is his mother, and Peter is dead last on her list of priorities.

Darren said...

Whaaaaaa? Where do you get the idea that Peter is dead last on her list of priorities? And when have you EVER met a parent who believed it when their kid told them about fairies or ghosts or anything else supernatural? Come on, now - just because WE know there's weird stuff going on doesn't mean that everybody around Peter will believe it.

Unknown said...

"And when have you EVER met a parent who believed it when their kid told them about fairies or ghosts or anything else supernatural?"

Never, but I've also never met a parent who had happen to her what she just had happen to her on Hallowe'en.

Does she ever trust him about things that aren't supernatural?