Friday, August 28, 2009

"Peter And The Carnival Of Evil" Page 67

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


daymon34 said...

Well those kids have been stuck there a while, they should know there way around it very well.

Here is hoping that Peter can do something to free Dill.

Zoquara said...

YAY! Speculation correct! I love it when we do that!

Very awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the kids are helping, but I notice that they all scattered when Cyrus came. I wonder if they're just afraid because of what he did, or if he would try to hurt them. What happens if the mirror breaks when they're in it?

Also, I remember someone saying that they wanted Gwen to join the team. After this I don't think Grandfather will be able to talk he out of knowing what's going on... :)


Darren said...

Daymon34 -

Andrea -
Yeah, there's actually been a lot of good guesses over the last month...a lot of hmmmm-ing going on...

Rai -
I can tell you that they're just terrified of him.

As for the second part...
