Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Peter And The Carnival Of Evil" Page 65

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


N7 said...

I know this sounds mean, but I'm glad New Orleans has sunk if mirrors like that are coming out of it!

Lord knows I'd be the first to trip and stumble into it and get my soul sucked out.


Darren... by you saying that Cyrus is a brother from another mother, makes it sound like Peter's father is Cyrus's father. That would make Peter's dad older than Grandfather, which would make him like.... immortal!


But I doubt that's what it is.


Anonymous said...

-_-0 of course it's a trap. The question is, what is the trap?

One of these days, Peter and Dill need to make a pack for 'in-case-of-paranormal-emergency', because right now, I bet a can of spray paint would be awesome. I bet Grandfather has a pack like that.

Unknown said...

Is this the first murder confession in the saga?

I'd change "off of" to just "off."

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeeze Oh Jeeze Oh Jeeze... Whats Peter Gonna Do? Ahh, Now I have to wait till tomorrow... I don't see a decent way out of this one... Keep it up Darren.


Darren said...

N7 -
Yeah, I was just making a joke. I assure you, Cyrus is not in any way related biologically to Peter. They have the slightest of connections, which we'll hear about within several pages, but it's a supernatural connection, and even Cyrus doesn't understand it.

I picked New Orleans because it's traditionally been seen as the most 'sinful' and debauched American city (until Las Vegas came along). I can see an evil mirror belonging in New Orleans in 1910...St. Louis or Chicago? Not nearly as much...

Ellanabeth -
Ha ha - yeah, a can of spray paint WOULD come in handy right about now!

Todd -
I think it may well be.

And good suggestion - I'm changing it right now.

Lance -
Ha ha ha! Glad you're liking it, man!

daymon34 said...

I wonder what happens to the people in the mirrors if some of them are broken.

Peter needs a little time to reflect.

Ok not as good as a few but it works for this chapter.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pillsbury you "hmmm" me an awful lot! :)

I hope if Peter... rather when Peter, decides to go save Dill that his first action is a little mirror smashing. Maybe that will release all the taken children? Or kill them. :\


Mary said...

I'm wondering if grandfather is going to be able to race in to save the day on this one...or is poor Peter on his own?
It's been really wonderful to watch his relationship with his grandfather starting to warm up. Grandfather is being more obvious about loving the boy and I'm sure he's been keeping his distance to protect him as well as himself.
And will we ever get insights into GRANDFATHER'S childhood?

P.S. Darren- I will admit it really means a lot to have you write back when I post on here. My husband just chuckles and shakes his head when I get all "he wrote back!" fan-girly about it

Darren said...

Daymon34 -
- groans - That was a good one. I think you actually DID do the job as the announcer for the Haunted House ride, I just didn't realize it was you!

Rai -
That's because you keep coming up with good ideas and figuring stuff out too soon! (This goes for a lot of people who comment on this blog. If you've been Hmmmm'd, you can take that as an indication that you're on to something...)

As for the second paragraph... hmmmm...

Mary -
D'oh! I almost gave something away in this story!

I'm glad you're liking Grandfather's relationship with Peter. It's funny,, I guess I see it, too, I'm just kind of blinded to it most of the time. I know some things about Grandfather, and I think I have some issues with him, so that keeps me from giving him the benefit of the doubt sometimes.

Funny you should mention Grandfather's past. I've been thinking a LOT about him over the last month. I've always wanted to do a story explaining how he came to be who he is, and I think I've got it now. I can tell you it's probably going to be a LOOOOOOOOONG time before you see that story - maybe two years from now, at a page a day - but it IS coming. I will give you a little tease, though: the way the story exists now, it will be a flashback story, it will probably start in Grandfather's early teens, cover him meeting his wife, the birth of Melissa, and will explain almost everything about why Grandfather is the way he is. It will also be a tragedy in every sense of the word. The problem is, I've got to get a lot of other stuff revealed to you guys before we get there, because it will ultimately encapsulate a lot about the Curse. It won't solve the Curse - that's another whole series of stories - but you'll know probably 90% of the whole truth about the Curse by the time we finish that story.

And I LOVE that it means a lot to you that I write back! That made my day, Mary. Thanks. And to anybody else who comments, I want you to know that you guys keep me going. Nothing's lonelier than posting a blog (especially a fiction blog) and NOBODY comments. It's like, "Helloooo out there...does anybody even like this?" So you guys give me a lot of energy and enthusiasm to keep doing this. And to anybody who reads the comments but doesn't write in - either because you're afraid to, or it just never occurred to you - come on in! I promise I won't bite, and your contribution will be appreciated more than you know!

Unknown said...

"I promise I won't bite, and your contribution will be appreciated more than you know!"

True, but your characters will.

Darren said...

Todd -
Gooooood point. Especially in the next story...