Monday, August 24, 2009

"Peter And The Carnival Of Evil" Page 63

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


N7 said...

Disturbing Rating: 10.5

Hilarity Rating: ∞ < Infinity, just FYI.

Barnaby totally diserved to be treated like taffy, he's a jerk. Not saying that all jerks deserved to be treated like taffy, just the ones with no bones.

Eng and Leng can NOT have Dill as well! They already stole Gwen's soul, which Peter needs to get back quickly.

Dill should try biting them! BITE DILL! BITE TILL THEY BLEED!

Unknown said...

Devil's advocate: if Barnaby is as old as I think he is, his use of the word "so" surprises me.

Anonymous said...

It's still just Leng though, which means Gwen's body is still alive somewhere!

Also, I thought it was taffy that got pulled that way, not toffee? I could be wrong though...


Anonymous said...

Poor Dill, how's Peter gonna pull this one off? Stupid cliff hangers lol...

So I read the first 50 pages of Imaginary Friends, where can I find the book? How much would it cost? It doesn't really matter the price, I still gotta buy it lol. Just curious.


Darren said...

N7 -
Love the Disturbing Rating! I think that should be something you do regularly, when it's really warranted. I think you'll need to use it again around Page 70.

Todd & Rai -
Excellent points, guys. I just fixed them - both in the blog, and in my original draft. I agree with you, Todd - I just wanted another word where Bones could go sssss, but I think I violated how he would speak. Rai - yeah, toffee might be the same as taffy in some technical sense, but I always think of toffee as British and a little hard candy, and I definitely mean chewy taffy. So thanks.

That's why I always appreciate input from people on things that don't make sense. I've already proofread this story, and I proofread it again when I post it (95% of the time), and I STILL miss stuff like that.

Lance -
Cool! Glad you liked those first fifty pages. IMAGINARY FRIENDS is only available on right now - here's a direct link to the page, or you can just search on Amazon for "Darren Pillsbury" (if you search for IMAGINARY FRIENDS, you'll get a bunch of "Foster's Home for..." DVD listings). It's $12.95, plus shipping...but if you buy another book or CD and get up to $25, you should get the shipping free.

Or you could use one of those "$3.95 used" links on the page, but I can't vouch for them.

If you live in Canada, the UK, Germany, etc., each Amazon in that territory carries the book, too.

If you can't get a copy through Amazon for whatever reason, let me know in the comments section here, and we'll work something out. I've been thinking about ordering some new copies direct from the printer, but that could take awhile...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just finished reading the whole thing in one go and I'm glad I found this, because it's AWESOME!I'll be reading in fascination, then BAM! I'm rolling on my sides laughing. I'm totally hooked and I'm chewing my nails to see what happens next. Reading Peter and Dill's adventures makes me nostalgic for my childhood favorites, and my little brother (he's 12) loves them too. Keep up the awesome work!

One last thing, while I think the podcasts are a cool idea, I'd be really interested in a PDF for these.

Loads of Grins and Giggles,


daymon34 said...

Well looks like Bones is all wound up, and Wally is a little plugged up at the moment...

Ok I couldn't help it. I hope Peter has better luck going thru the hall of mirrors this time than last.

Um the Muse said...

Hopefullly, all those kids will gang up and really get on Leng's nerves; get him lost in his own maze. Then, they'll help Peter rescue Dill and Gwen.

Darren said...

Ellaanabeth -
Thanks so much for writing in! I'm curious, how did you find the site? And it's awesome that your brother likes them too - I sometimes think nobody even close to Peter's age reads these stories...

As for a PDF, I might just be offering an ebook in a year or so if I can't get a publisher for the first book.

daymon34 -
YOU get the job as new tour guide!

Um the Muse -

Anonymous said...

I found the site because I'm an avid addict of online comics and on several of my fave sites there was an ad for your site. I like reading online fiction and I trusted those sites for random I clicked. lol.

Yes, my lil brother loves the stories, we're almost through with the Dead Men. He has an amusing habit of yelling at me for when Peter and Dill do something he thinks is stupid- and I quote, "like going into the scary woods with only a stick when a lead pipe splats heads waaaay better." lol. My lil bro is an unofficial Frog Brother, I swear.