Thursday, August 27, 2009

"Peter And The Carnival Of Evil" Page 66

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Fiona said...


Anonymous said...

I knew he'd somehow actually be standing right there... This just keeps going downhill for Peter and the gang.. But where is Grandfather in all this?


Anonymous said...

Grandfather is going to show up at the most awesome-est time, like in the mannequins. He'll probably swing in on a tasseled tent rope, with a string of shot gun shells in an X across his chest, bandanna flying in the wind, and army fatigues on. He'll then proceed to blow Cyrus away in one pass, saving the day and rolling to the ground to free Dill and Peter.

Do I get a hmmm for this one or just a chuckle? I think it could happen.


daymon34 said...

Well it is his haunted house, so he knows how to move around in it and which windows will open up.

Looks like Cyrus has been marked for life...

Ok I think I have run my course of puns for the next month. Unless of course you put up something that just screams that it needs one.

Um the Muse said...

How about "Cyrus and Gang has been doing a lot of soul-searching, but nothing has come up--pointing to them anyway."
LOL at Midge having the super power of fat. When she was growing up, my mom always used to tell the neighbor kids that her sister could beat any of them up--by sitting on them :D

Darren said...

Fiona -

Lance -
I don't want to spoil it for you!

Rai -
Just a chuckle! It was a pretty good one, though.

Don't forget, though, after his great entrance, Grandfather wound up being dragged towards a giant gas furnace and was saved by Peter...

daymon34 -
Yup, Cyrus will soon say something to that effect.

Yeah, somehow I don't think we're done with the puns yet!

Um the Muse -
- groan -

Oh my gosh, I hope your aunt wasn't scarred by that!

AnakMoon said...

ok first a typo "you and friend will be" i think there is a 'your' missing in there.

And Peter should start smashing, the mirrors help control the power, if he starts smashing mirrors it will be one big gush of power, well, would that be good or bad?

And i like the "Cyrus and Gang has been doing a lot of soul-searching..."

but think it should end there...

and my prediction is peter was seeing his grandfather maybe? in the dream.. or an uncle or his grandfathers brother, and since they had perfected the art of getting rid of the bodies after they left town grandfather might not have ever associated the two..

anyone got a limb i could hold on to?

Um the Muse said...

Yeah, I probably should've just ended it there. Or, maybe, "surfaced" might have worked better?
Oh, my aunt is a sweet lady (and really smart), but she's got polio, which shortened one of her legs. She hardly ever leaves the house, and probably never heard the taunt anyway.
And, on an unrelated note, my head wouldn't let go of the idea of Dill singing the Bohemian Rhapsody just before he peed his pants:
"But Im just a poor boy and nobody loves me-
Hes just a poor boy from a poor family-
Spare him his life from this monstrosity...will you let me go-"
Oh, Eng just did, and Cyrus doesn't even care.

Darren said...

AnakMoon -
Thanks on the typo!


I can tell you that Peter wasn't anybody but Peter in the dream.

Um the Muse -
Aw. Sorry about your aunt.

If only the song were "Mamaaaaaaa... just peed agaaaaain..."