Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Peter And The Werewolves" Page 32

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rai said...

Yay Charlie! I knew you'd do the right thing! Unfortunately I don't think his plan is going to work out so well. I think Kyle will already be suspicious as it is. :\

I have a question though. I thought all the frat boys were still there for the break? Was I wrong? Or if this is the entire frat... Not important, I was just curious. :)

Unknown said...

So glad Charlie knelt down into the light to give advice instead of reveal a big slobbery muzzle or something. Had no idea how much power Kyle had over him.

I, too, wondered about the rest of the frat. Kyle specified Jon and Chubbs are the only other two through initiation, though, so I figure the rest of the frat is inconsequential.

Darren said...

Rai & Todd -
Yeah, there are other members of the frat, but no other werewolves. Kyle's only 'inducted' Jon & Chubbs so far. He made them stay in town for Thanksgiving so they could induct Charlie.

Everybody else went home to their families...or something.

Rai said...

Thanks for the clarification! :D

Random note: My word verification is freagi. I like that word.

Um the Muse said...

Yeah, if I were a conspiracy nut, I might wonder if Charlie is just saving them for himself... nah. Poor Charlie, I bet the werewolves could all hear them. They're just down the hall, right? I'm just glad that Peter is so good at getting out of these sticky situations. If it were me, I'd probably try climbing out of a window, where I'd be easily run down by the wolfmen.
Since you asked (awhile ago, true), First People is the Canadian term for Native Americans. I don't know why I used the term, though. Must've been that talk about backpacking across Europe.
Ooh, I like my verification word, too: fevatic. Yeah, the pace of this story is reaching a fevatic pitch :)

Unknown said...

I'm curious why Kyle wanted Charlie for the pack, and alternately, why Charlie was ever receptive.

MistyCat said...

I hope Charlie isn't wearing a Red Shirt

My word verification is repuding, which is odd because I don't recall ever puding before.


Anonymous said...

ry so far but I am not caught up to this section yet, I am still finishing "Peter and the Mannequins", and I found a typo on page 63 (I think) when Grandfather is telling how the Mannequins came to be he relates a story about a blacksmith who "left his family in charge of his oldest son" I think that should be the other way 'round, he should leave his oldest son in charge of the family. Can't wait to read more!! Thanks for the stories =)


Mary said...

Let's hope Charlie doesn't suffer from "no good deed goes unpunished" for helping the boys out.
I, for one, would like to see him again after this as an ally.

daymon34 said...

At least Charlie got the courage to tell Peter and Dill to hide. Now here is hoping that hiding will help them escape.

AnakMoon said...

Man the boys and charlie are not thinking.. were wolves smell!!!
they use their nose, wouldn't they just be able to follow the boys' scent straight up stairs. Unless Charlie make enough of a commotion and side tracks them the other way.....

..and my verification word sounds like some sort of German noodle dish - tratroto - lol

Anonymous said...

Finally all caught up! LOVE IT; yeah the boys and Charlie are sooo screwed on so many fronts. I would bet that Kyle decided to initiate Charlie because he needed a good Omega hangin' around that couldn't exactly run away. I am sure he has done some of the dirty work already and Kyle lured him in with promises of a more equal place and all of the good stuff all the while hiding his the fact that you can't deny your Alpha's comaands behind his back. Poor Charlie, he's not gonna like this new situation any better......


Darren said...

To everybody writing about the verifications -
I've often thought I should start keeping a list. "Clabegu" is today's. It's like some Harry Potter-esque stew from the bar in Hogsmeade.

Um the Muse -
Ahhhh. That's a pretty good term. I think I'm going to use that in a Peter story someday.

Todd -
I think you'll get why Charlie was receptive within 5 days, but I'll wait to comment on why he was chosen, perhaps, until the very end of the story. Remind me...if you remember.

MistyCat -
Ha ha! "Ensign Expendable reporting for duty!"

Amy -
Thanks for the catch! I'm gonna change it tonight!

Mary -

daymon34 -

AnakMoon -

Amy Pt 2 -
Thank you! Glad you like the stories! Please tell anybody you think might like them - PLEASE! Advertising is expensive!

Hmmmm...I'll definitely muse on why Jon, Chubbs, and Charlie were chosen at some point, but it'll probably have to be after the story's over...

Unknown said...

I figure Chubbs is like Igor. Does as instructed and poses no threat to authority.