Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Peter And The Werewolves" Page 38 and 39

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

Unless Kyle conveniently impales himself on something silver, I'm not sure how Peter gets out of this unscathed. Although I hope Kyle is too big to go out the window on the first try.

Rubberduck said...

Finally caught up!

And, though I may be forgetting something, the situation is worse than it seems - there's still two more werewolves around.

Mary said...

Eeee! NOT cool Darren, my heart's racing right now.
get those boys OUT of there!
Don't let what Charlie did be for nothing. (and yes, I know that you won't!) ;-)

Cat said...

Kyle will get stuck in the window! He has to!

Speaking of the instincts of werewolves and the boys using it to their advantage, it reminds me of The Fifth Elephant (or one of the Discworld books anyway). The main character finally catches up with the werewolf villain and points a firework at him. The werewolf laughs and says that it's no good as a weapon, at which point he lights it and throws it to the werewolf, who before he can stop himself jumps up and catches it in his mouth. Then his head explodes. Now, where to find a firework... :D

Or they could set the house on fire, that should slow the werewolves down and maybe look like an accident to the police! Or run through water so their scent can't be followed - any rivers nearby? :P

Um the Muse said...

It was good to see Kyle's hypnotic power. It bothers me a little when the wolfman is a true wolf-human hybrid, because wolves are well known for not attacking humans unless they're desperate. Not to mention the fact that legend says that they're only affected by silver and full moons is a little weird. Why not fire, for example? Now, some kind of demon manifesting as a wolf thing can have whatever rules governing it as the author wants ;)
Welcome Rubberduck! I may be wrong, but I don't think that we have to worry about the other two werewolves just yet, since Kyle told them to lay low. I'm still hoping one of them will change, but go totally berserk or something and attack Kyle.
-Cat, that sounds awesome! I gotta check that series out!

Darren said...

Todd -

Rubberduck -
Welcome! Thanks for posting!

True, Kyle's not the only Big Bad...

Mary -
Haha! Yay! Thanks for letting me know the story's having an impact on you!

Cat -

That's actually a pretty good scene with the fireworks. Wish I'd thought of it...

You pyro, you.

Um the Muse -
Humans are well-known for attacking humans even when not desperate.

Well, I'm sure that there are lots of things that will kill various and werewolves is a perfect example. I'm sure dismemberment and beheading is a pretty good way to go, too.

Well, we may not have to WORRY worry about them immediately, but they're definitely out there...