Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"Peter And The Werewolves" Page 34

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Zoquara said...

SOOO glad Dill has his priorities straight...
*cleans up the dripping sarcasm*

Unknown said...

Really worried for Charlie. I know he's complicit in this, but he's also the one who stopped it in time. Assuming this is not the last story in the series.

Anonymous said...

Ditto Andrea; and poor Grandfather he gets interrupted at all times of the day and night to save these two little fools and have they learned anything yet? Their instincts should be improving a little by now and they should be armed in some manner, but truly I am not complaining because it just means more story for me =)


daymon34 said...

Ah so the boys were going to be dinner for them, or at least a snack to get warmed up with.

*shakes foot* I think I stepped into some sarcasm, Andrea you didn't clean up the floor.

AnakMoon said...

I'm not sure why Charlie is trying to be Mr. Morality now. We all know he was thinking about munching down on our two little Dog Turds already.

And I am shocked and amazed and slightly proud of Dill right now. The little turn knew to keep his mouth shut.

AnakMoon said...

little turd*
darn those typos... they can really let a sentence fall flat.

Um the Muse said...

I guess all of our worrying that the FratBoyz (tm) could hear them were for naught.
Poor Dill, he thought the FratBoyz would save him from his uncaring family and abusive home. From what I hear, this is exactly why people join gangs, despite the danger: they want to feel like they belong.
V word of the day: Inafta. As inafta you?

Mary said...

Andrea- Right with you.
But that's Dill for ya!
Let's hope that the boys escape in time or find appropriate weaponry.
Wonder if the frat boys will play fetch with one of the magazines that are sure to be laying around...either that or beat them with one!

Unknown said...

I guess all of our worrying that the FratBoyz (tm) could hear them were for naught.

As long as they think Peter and Dill escaped outside, they aren't likely to go on a listening tour of upstairs. If they go upstairs, buckle your seat belt.

Stormy Llew said...

“You lead them here, Charlie,” Kyle stated calmly.

From the rest of his statement, I assume that should be 'led' instead of 'lead.' :)

I just figured the super hearing/smell/sight came with the transformation. Not transformed = normal human senses + a bit o' the ol' blood lust

v-word: hingun