Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Peter And The Werewolves" Page 56

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Rubberduck said...

Silver cutlery in a sorority house? Wow, I want to go here! Of course, in this town, they're all probably creepy fortune-tellers who stockpiled the silver for precisely this reason.

(I don't ususally do this, but: 'indman' - how rastafarians finish a bedtime story.)

Unknown said...

This whole entry is hilarious.

"Poor Dill! Screw Charlie!"

I'm a little horrified at a ten-year-old talking like that, but it is Dill, after all.

Mary said...

"Kill a werewolf r..."
Thank you for a bit of much-needed humor injection into a scene.
And Happy Early Halloween everybody!
Am, hopefully, baking Halloween cookies today.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mary, Dill's last line made me chuckle as well.

Like people keep the silverware in the kitchen. It is surounded by cloth or hanging in a display case.

Um the Muse said...

Thanks for the explanation, MistyCat! I'm not sure I caught the whole thing, but at least I got the basics.
Huh, it's a good thing that the police decided not to investigate (since I'm sure that they would've arrived too late). I could just imagine trying to explain to the cops: "I wasn't trying to rob the place, good sir. I was trying to protect myself against three werewolves!"
My v-word is too cool: "opdove." I can just imagine these doves in ghillie suits, bringing "peace on Earth through strategic and tactical enterprises" (assassinating bad guys).

Eldoran said...

Ok, they DO have silverware. I simply wouldn't expect a sorority to have real silver silverware (I would have expected stainless steel - its a lot easier to keep shiny). Usually these just as other furnishings or stationery are usually the luxury items usually not acquired before marriage.
Is there a reason / tradition that makes it useful for a sorority to have silverware? I'm sorry, I'm no American...

AnakMoon said...

I bet Dill would have started making a sandwich if they had gone to the kitchen. And whom did Peter learn from, that silverware is not kept in the kitchen? Did he know his fathers grandparents?


flabl ))> [flabl]
1. flabby flesh found below a werewolfs jowls; unwanted fat: Daily howling will get rid of the flabl around your neck.
2. the condition of being flabbly: Most of the new recruits had snapped at flabl in civilian zones.

Darren said...

Rubberduck -
They're a SWANKY sorority house.

Love your definition, by the way.

Todd -
It is Dill, after all. Thankfully he kept it PG.

Mary -
Glad you liked that one! Dill IS famous for his R-US's...your typical Catholic Church is a Kill-A-Vampire-R-Us, as we know from the second story...

daymon34 -
Dill probably has never eaten with real silver in his life, so it was a logical mistake...

Um the Muse -
I like your word, too!

Eldoran -
They have it in the velvety case in the dining room! They only bring it out for special occasions! It's a very OLD and PROPER sorority!

AnakMoon -
That is a good question. I just grew up with the family silver being kept in the big cabinet in the dining room. I'm going to go with Peter's Mom had silver - probably given to her as a wedding present from her mother - that she kept in a cabinet in the dining room. Everything eventually got sold when Peter's dad left and the family went into financial hardship.

Excuse me, I have to go exercise and work off some flabl now.

And dodge questions about Peter's dad.

Steve Hoffman said...

Knife blades are exceedingly rare to find in silver. The blade is stainless, the handle is sterling silver foil over stainless.