Saturday, October 17, 2009

"Peter And The Werewolves" Page 45

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Copyright © 2009 Darren Pillsbury. All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

Jon turned into John toward the top.

Unknown said...

I love how unguarded Chubbs is about all this. Jon is weird: like Kyle, he goes on and on to people for whom he has no regard, but Kyle just loves to hear himself talk. What's Jon's reason?

Genuinely curious. I wouldn't ask so many questions if I weren't fascinated by how all this fits together.

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh, well, that strategy doesn't appear to be working, and we have now lost the hammer, not sure if Dill still has the screwdriver. Maybe, just maybe they can find a left behind really big silver earring,(this was a girls dorm before correct?) ...elaborate pendant of off a chain,....oooo letter opener.......yeah not really, they are gonna hafta run like the dickens again. And once again we find our boys on the second floor just like the dumb blonde who dies first in all horror/thriller movies. Good luck finding that second stairwell boys.

=) Loving the story!!!!

V- Nonsco; used in a sentence
"Beattle Bailey, you are nonSCO, you are just a grunt like me"

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Todd, Jon is waiting out the usual response time of the police officers in that area, remember when he totally flipped on the boys from being all 'Join the club' to 'Yeah we were lying, just callin' your bluff, we're gonna eat you now'? That is why Jon was so talkative, realize that right after he finishes that he is all action, transforming wolfy style.


Unknown said...

Well, sure, but he could have talked about anything; he could have created the impression they were like Charlie and either not werewolves yet or eager to be free of Kyle. Instead, he volunteers Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lycanthropy* (*but Were Afraid to Ask).

Jon seems much more complicated than Kyle and Chubbs.

Eldoran said...

I like the common assumption about silver bullets. To be precise: what exactly makes the difference between silver bullets and regular ones? Obviously nothing but the material they are made from - duh.
So the question remains: what makes silver bullets so deadly?
a): nothing, if someone dies, he wont heal, no matter what caused the death.
b): silver prevents the fast healing (or regeneration) or healing at all.
c): silver might be the only substance to be able to injure the target at all.
d): allergic reaction or something - silver is (highly) poisonous to them.
Another thing to consider, as werewolves are still alive, they should still be affected by poisons and the like and what happens by thing which get stuck inside their bodies - like bullets?
I'm curious which way things work in this story.

Um the Muse said...

I'm kinda wondering where Kyle is now. Didn't he warn his sidekicks against transforming? That's what I'd fixated on as the solution to this mess, anyway.
And, if memory serves me right, that warning was said with Peter and Dill right there. That means that Peter *could have* figured out that they're werewolves, too.

daymon34 said...

Looks like Jon was just keeping him talking to see if the cops showed up. Looks like chow time now.

Darren said...

Todd -
Thanks, I'll fix that.

I think somebody has a pretty good explanation below for Jon's talkiness...

Plus, a LOT of people love to hear themselves talk. Especially if someone else in authority squelches their ability to do so most of the time...

Amy -
Haha! Glad you like the story! Yeah, this'll be a rough one to get out of...

And I'd say your explanation for why Jon is so talkative is 95% dead on.

Todd Pt 2 -
Jon is more complicated in that he's the Lucifer character...the underling who chafes under authority.

Of course, Kyle is evil, so it's more like if Satan had a #2 who wanted to kill him...

Part of Jon's talkiness is obviously me giving you guys exposition. But I think it's totally in Jon's character to lord his knowledge and power over someone weaker than himself. Kyle wouldn't do it, because he KNOWS he's the top dog, and has no need to explain himself (unless he just wanted to hear his own mellifluous voice). Jon does it because he wants to BE top dog and believes he deserves it, but is incredibly bitter that he's still #2. And like any evil jackhole unwilling to stand up to an abusive authority figure, he'll take it out on people weaker than him - including taunting them, or letting them KNOW just how powerful he is, so he can FEEL more powerful.

Eldoran -
We'll actually find out a very good reason why silver kills werewolves in the next story. Trust me.

Um the Muse -
Well, Kyle was telling them not to transform while they rounded up Peter and Dill, but now all bets are off. And Kyle was kind of oblique about it - he interrupted Jon before he could say much. YOU knew what he was talking about because you knew the chapter title, but Peter didn't get it on the first reference, and probably wasn't thinking about it in the hubbub of being chased by a giant wolf.

daymon34 -
Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding! Is that the dinner bell I hear?

Unknown said...

Thanks, Darren! That ties it all together beautifully. You described him as a "bitter underling" early on, but I sort of lost sight of that until now. Mercy as a vampire suddenly seems cuddly by contrast.